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Fernando Ruiz

My name is Fernando, I found my passion for programming while working in the IT world and working with infrastructure. I took from advance JAVA to advanced C++ currently working on free code camp front end to get a better understanding on how frontend works.



Magic Skullz game

Magic Skullz Game

Created this game with a coworker, this project was to test the possibilities of the library LibGDX the game has been published to the google store. During this project Java and LibGDX was used.

Tribute Page Nikola Tesla

Tribute Page for Free Code Camp

Tesla is one of the most influential people to me, he is one of the smartest people that I have read about. The only thing I wish he did differently, was that he should have shown his inventions to the world more, he would of have helped the world progress much faster than it currently is.

During this project I learned how to create a responsive website.

appSource Code
voidbits Page Logo

Voidbits Website

While trying to learn new technologies, I used WordPress with a template to create this page. This project took me a week to complete as I had to get used to the plugins and finding where to modify the code for things that I wanted to change.

voidbits page logo

Workflow Management

I am currently working on this project with a coworker. My focus on this project is mostly the frontend and some backend. The stack that we are using is MongoDB, Express, Vue.js, and Node. The project has some difficult parts that I'm currently starting to understand better, like making the proper calls from the backend to the frontend.



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